Exciting developments November 22nd
It is one week since our return from the Craft in Focus show at RHS Wisley.Reflecting on the show has brought into focus how much we enjoy our way of making a living.It was the first time we had seen fellow makers for over two years.Attendance figures were excellent.It was great to re-connect with existing customers and to meet new customers.
We were relieved to have had a profitable experience and are indebted to both Craft in Focus and RHS Wisley for their expertise in both promoting and presenting a memorable show.
November 22nd
It is one week since our return from the Craft in Focus show at RHS Wisley.Reflecting on the show has brought into focus how much we enjoy our way of making a living.It was the first time we had seen fellow makers for over two years.Attendance figures were excellent.It was great to re-connect with existing customers and to meet new customers.
We were relieved to have had a profitable experience and are indebted to both Craft in Focus and RHS Wisley for their expertise in both promoting and presenting a memorable show.